New Fan Art
Whoo three new fan arts today!

First is Best Cat by JoCo. Maybe that cat is a little full of himself? I guess most cats are pretty full of themselves. But that is a pretty awesome cat that can do some cool tricks. How cool do you have to be to be allowed to be self-absorbed? Deep thoughts!

Next is Circles by The White Dart. When I lose at something I also throw my arms up in the air, tilt my head, and with a blank face say "I'm so sad, we lost". Maybe TheWhiteDart should write my auto-biography?

Third and last for today is Spider Visit by Gamblor. I like that "How about it big boy" frame a lot. Haha, maybe I will make it my desktop. lol I just made it my desktop and it's hilarious. I should do this more often. I like the last frame too. I guess there's a lot of Super Mega frames out there that might make good desktops

Thanks guys! Later!


Contact: JohnnySmash AT gmail DOT com