New Fan Art
Whoooohooooo five new fan arts today!

First is Holidays by JoCo. In the picture are JoCo and Justin and Beaker and Burrito Sanchez. IT'S A HOLIDAY GREETING. HAHAHAHA, the cats are wearing little hats. I like how it is so professional looking, like I am looking at a page in a magazine of holiday greetings. Those hopeful gazes fill me with holiday cheer. THANKS, GUYS! ;D

Next for today is Head Is A Christmas Present by DarkPower. Oh dang there is a lesson learned here. Whatever someone's head is, they are still a person so you can't eat/open their head. I love the evil skull (it looks like the front of a train)

Third for today is Paf by buČ. Argggh poor drunk mosquito. The surprising thing about this comic is that it is not surprising

Fourth for today is CRANE by lmao zedong. Haha why is the crane climbing the building. I would like a TEXT MESSAGE as to why the crane is climbing the building. Perhaps I will get a LETTER IN THE MAIL telling me why the crane is climbing the building. Or maybe I will find out via SKY WRITING or a NEWSLETTER.

Fifth and last for today is Eraa6od by a moose lol. "i am hiding behind the comic okay" hahahahaha. i said "okay ;)". Yes I suppose it is pretty nice, but it is not the nicest thing in the world :/

Okay okay okay that's all for today, later guys! ;D


Contact: JohnnySmash AT gmail DOT com