New Fan Art
Five new fan arts! Five new fan arts! :D

First for today is I'M A SPY by Spyman. I hope that is not the guy he is supposed to be spying on because if so he is doing at least one thing wrong

Second for today is Rachel Likes To Lie by Chad Chaddington. what the heck kind of calculator has an antennae? i would argue that it was a cell phone and pretend to make a real phone call.

Third for today is Hammertime by Patrick F. I guess the dance move saved him? Good job. When I dance I pretend that there are lasers everywhere where I am not.

Fourth for today is Rain by Wumpster. Oh snaaaap rain is not glumby man oh noooo. Does that guy on the top have a dinosaur tail?

Fifth and last for today is Birds by Mooseburger. Haha, I like how it zooms in on the rainbow shoes to show that they are taking effect. I really really want shoes like that...

Later guys, have a good day! ;D


Contact: JohnnySmash AT gmail DOT com