New Fan Art
Four new fan arts today! ;D

First is Music by Senior Citizen Kane Jr. I like the weirdness in this one, it like has a bunch of weird awkward moments that are funny. Also I found a cat wearing sunglasses in this comic... I wonder if seniorcitizenkanejr knows about a cat?

Next for today is Freeze by Dari. Being inside a cloud is pretty cool, and something every flying person should do. it is too bad there was a gunner inside the cloud

Third for today is Crazy Boy and Anorexia Guy by Andrew L. it's a bird it's a plane oh wait it seriously is a bird

Fourth for today is Dislike by Rampsk8r. That greenish guy does look like a total jerk, and not even the kind that is actually nice on the inside. i bet he says mean things like "you will never be a champion" or "the galaxy is not very cool"

well that's all for today see you guys later! ;D


Contact: JohnnySmash AT gmail DOT com