New Fan Art
Four new fan arts today... okay???

First for today is a little FLASH MOVIE called Super Mega by itserpoltrauts. Sweet, I totally like it a lot! I love how trying to paint smiles on the outlets makes them happy. The first (right?) flash movie fan art is a... success! Thanks, itserpoltrauts! ;D

Second for today is Tree by creambiscuit. Eww gross! That is so gross! I wish it was just a tree hat, guys!

Third for today is Robot by Joeley. Haha, for some reason the robot turned into a little box? I like how the guy's name is Andrew, for some reason. It was polite of the robot to use his name

Fourth for today is Pie by SilverMoon. Haha, I like the dancing. The ending is a bit ironic! Hahaha, thanks SilverMoon!

Seeeeeee yooooou guuuuuuys laaaaaater


Contact: JohnnySmash AT gmail DOT com