First is Scooter by Batman. This is a fun comic. I had a lot of fun. I like how he is on a real motorped, the real motorped was drawn very well. Second for today is MMMCOOKIES by Charles Cleavage. So the cookie said oops because he got eaten? I am a little confused, but I like cookies with faces 100% of the time. Third for today is Corn by Jamie S. Haha his face is still bloody from eating the dog! Blood beard blood beard :) Fourth for today is Iceland by Ragnar Pétursson. I did not know much about Iceland, but now I feel confused about it. Are there really penguins there? Were they destroyed by dinosaurs i mean meteors? See i am confused. Fifth and last for today is Coolpenny by The James. No no you misunderstand! You're fired!, the adjective! Use it to describe yourself. Eating coolpennies can be an expensive habit! Well that's all for today see you guys later ;D -JohnnySmash Contact: JohnnySmash AT gmail DOT com