New Fan Art
Sweet, sweet, four new fan arts! ;D

First is Booogeyman by Jess Jarhead. Haha, I love that. "But...Everyone know children do not exist...!" Having a '...!' end a sentence is pretty much the most thrilling way to end a sentence.

Second for today is a sweet "real life." fan art called I Like Your Jellyfish Pantz by Watsapplprsn. It's a real-life version of the guy in this comic!: Jellyfish! Haha, wonderful! Arts and crafts!

Third for today is Painting Stinks by Spicey Icecream. The color of the walls have made him cry. Also he has dog-like ears? Maybe his real regret is that he doesn't have the amazing color blind abilities of a dog? Maybe this comic is really complicated

Fourth for today is A Useless Power by Mr. Bitters. He can change into a glass of milk! His arch enemy? The Brownie Baron. His sidekick? A snowman made of icecream

Anyways that's all for today...! ;D


Contact: JohnnySmash AT gmail DOT com