New Fan Art
ONE MILLION new fan arts today! Just kidding

First for today is Rambunctious Magnets by Danielle. Haha, Steve thought those magnets had human-like behavioral traits, like being rambunctious! Steve needs to learn a little more about magnet biology

Next for today is My Friend Andrew by Sam Safe. I am pretty sure the rightmost character is melting, then in the end he inflates to full capacity, probably about to expel the pressure inside him. Like a volcanoooo

Third for today is Pwnt by mkbart. The comic starts happily enough, then immediately goes to calamity. I pretended the comic was meant to be read from right to left, or as the Japanese say "normal for me".

That's all! Next update: "Johnny And The Real One Million Fan Arts" or "Johnny Smash Tries To Tip His Segway Over, Only To Learn A Lesson About Gyrobalancing"


Contact: JohnnySmash AT gmail DOT com