Laser things can behave in unpredictable ways and turn into men!
Speaking of lasers, Sebastian Brockenhagan has a VERY interesting Laser Day comic I think you would be VERY interested in READING:

That was the most sincere Laser Day comic ever! Thanks "S.B." (Sebastian Brockenhagan)
I promised you guys that "the guy" wouldn't make a Laser Day comic. I swore to it. But he made one anyways!:

If someone said it was raining rain I might say ".....don't repeat yourself."
Callan has made a Laser Day comic as well. What if he was the first??:

Laser memory was the end of him! Looks like callan "cal-can" make a laser day comic afterall!
Laser Day is going strong and hard! Look for new updates in a fews days! Look for new updates in a few days!