New Fan Art
Hey there, how's it going, four new fan arts today!

First is Hunger by Pop Tart. I love the way he put the apple against his belly. It's better how it goes on to show him putting it in his mouth instead, rather than just ending it on the belly part. Fantast!c

Second is Moo00 by Magatsu. ?????????????? The last frame is a nice finish to end the confusion with some total weirdness. :^:

Third is Darkmoogle by Darkmoogle. Who will win? What tactics would they use? I vote for robots.

Last for today is Apology by Jshei. Kinda confusing. I do like the end though, when it turns out they fall in love :D

Loooooove rhyms with jeeeetpaaaackoooove


Contact: JohnnySmash AT gmail DOT com