New Fan Art
WEllo there

Four new fan arts today

First is Reggen by Matt. Beautiful! Put it as a poster on my wall!

Next is Comedy by RubberChicken. The weirdness in this one is so funny. The distrought black-faced guy, the guy who's head catches on fire, the cat appearing on a pedestal. Beautiful. RubberChicken you are a good job

Third is Box by Darkmoogle. Darkmoogle submitted this a long time ago, but in posting all his other comics (almost one *every* fan art update), this one has been in my comics-to-be-posted folder for a very long time. Anyways, it's a bit confusing but I like it. Thanks, Darkmoogle, and thanks for all those other comics you sent me! You should win an award!

Last I saved a comic to make you happy for the rest of your day, it's Flower by Penn. Doesn't that just make you happy! :D

Have a good day!


Contact: JohnnySmash AT gmail DOT com