New Fan Art
Yessss, five new fan arts today.

First is Hamsplat by Brandon. nooo poor funny looking hampster. at least you can get coffee from people's heads

Second is Blingin by Stradapatania. I think he turned into a metal man, but he wishes he had gold teeth so he could be more metal and more blingin. The lesson is gold teeth are worth it because one day you might be a metal man

Third for today is Cool by crazy_nighthawk. Not so cool afterall I guess. I guess he wasn't so cool after all. In the end, he wasn't so cool

Fourth for today is Darth Vader vs. Luke! by Vanilla Foam. I like the "En Garde" "Er... what?". That is a funny idea. Thanks, Vanilla Foam! ;D

Fifth and last for today is Pirates R' Real by Daniel McFarline. This is a true story made out of real-life pictures and text. The last frame is the perfect entrance after the setup. "ARRR MATEYS!! What year be it?" :D

Well that's all for today, you should come back again sometime! ;D


Contact: JohnnySmash AT gmail DOT com