New Fan Art
Whoo four new fan arts today totally

First is Fishbowl by bari_sax_playa. Haha, duh dude duh! Or maybe he expected it to not be like what he expected it to be like. Maybe it's weird for something to be exactly like you expected it to be? Wow, I guess this comic is pretty deep.

Next is Nickels by Brandon. Never try to get nickels out of a horse! A horse is full of nickels, but when it dies all the nickels melt into blood. I guess this comic is kinda tragic.

Third is Laz0r Car by Daniel McFarline. Haha I like the image in the third frame. Don't believe lies!

Fourth and last for today is France by Camper. The mime was pretending he was on fire, then it happened! In the future, he can mime anything into reality! With his power, he saves many lives and fights down a lot of enemies

Okay later guys


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