New Fan Art
Okay guys, the shirt process is underway. From what I understand I will have them in a few weeks. I'll set up a store section of the site in the meantime

Anyways anways fanart

First is Michelangelo's Science Ray by Melancton. WOW, what can I say. It is a brilliant piece of work. The idea of them trying to touch fingers is hilarious, the way it uses NRRRR is hilarious, it's just great. Thanks Melancton!

Next is Hug by Faltron. This one has a weirdness but isn't totally random, which isn't something always easy to pull off. It's a touching story of a guy that just needs a hug. I like the guy's weird face/mask thing, it adds a lot of character. I like how he gets more and more squiggly, it's like he is going more and more crazy up until he gets some hugs, then it ends. This comic is very deep to me. I also like that guy's expression in the foreground in the third frame. He knows how much the guy needs a hug.

Third is Auction by cyberlemon1313. This one's kinda weird, but it's good. The idea of bidding with "substantial dollars" and "adequate dollars" is funny. It's funny how the auction guy has a sneaky plan, but in the end the other guy bids "ingratiating dollars", which ruins the auction guy's plans. You're not really sure why, but that's what happened. Then that thumbs up in the last frame is just classic looking, the smile and the wink are all great. He knows he ruined the auction guy's plans. Very weird cyberlemon1313, but I like it!

Fourth is QWNV by Darkmoogle. This is basically a play on words. Though I do like the way the queen is pretty nonchalant about telling her minions to bring terror to the world. And it's also funny how her legs are way too long.

Fifth and last for today is dfhfdgfghgfhgfhgfh by Oddballout. Yup.


Contact: JohnnySmash AT gmail DOT com