New Fan Art
I hope you guys are gonna help with Laser Day!!

In the meantime we have some fan art. THERE IS SOME GOOD FAN ART TODAY!

First is Geography by DaveLane. This one is hilarious because of the sixth frame. Everything else is good, but the sixth frame just makes it hilarious. The fact that the other person thinks it's a good idea, and they shake hands, it's just so funny. Thanks, DaveLane!

Second is a super-megatized version of James Dean by Maximus. I once said that I think it is cool to super-megatize things, and I still stand by that. Also James Dean is a pretty cool guy. Let's super-megatize everything

Third is Head Is A Ray by NikoEatsABear. This one has a ton of good stuff. The way Head Is A Ray says the infinite symbol is funny, and it also makes him more interesting because he doesn't actually say any words. I also like how the guy suddenly says "Stare off!". Then he gets cut in half, which you think would be the ending, but then it shows the ray going off into space, which is a cool end that makes the comic seem more "outlandish?"

Hmm interesting I accidentally put this one and the last one right next to each other, but anyways #4 is Head Is A Flying V Guitar by smileh. This one is good for four frames, and doesn't seem like the pacing is too fast and random like a lot of short comics do. Also in this one I like the question in the first frame, the "on your face" part just makes it funny. The last frame is also good, the punchlines are very Super Mega-ey, partly because you've seen punchlines like them before in Super Mega, the "I Am a Metallica" is a good line. Thanks, smileh!

Fifth for today is Lava by Darkmoogle. This one is a weird one. It's funny how after the first frame you notice the guy is a giant (or is the other guy just little??). At first I thought "Yay Tory won the race" was random, but I guess it's a response to "The lava is racing towards us". It's still weird, and either way you can tell the guy is making a celebratory statement, and because it's so weird and kinda random it's funny.

NOTE: This comic has a bad word but I am going to contact the creator to have it removed. Okay I saved this one for last because it is so long, but also it is very very good. It is Butterscotch Cookies by cyberlemon1313. Remember if you're using IE, you can hold the mouse over the picture then click a box that appears in the bottom right to enlarge the picture. Anyways JEEZ this has a lot of good stuff. The way the guy is so messed up in the first frame just gives it a start that you know it is going to be weird. Then the fourth frame is just hilarious, I don't laugh out loud at a lot of comics but that made me laugh out loud. Then the fifth frame I guess is a gigantic smile, which I didn't notice at first, but it is so big that that is hilarious too. Then the way in the ninth frame it draws out the guy's face like a real face is funny, because it's usually just not like that, but it has eyebrows and pupils and lips and everything. It's funny how he just draws the face all detailed in that frame. Then in... I don't know what number frame, but it's funny how that weird looking guy with a hand coming from his (pelvis?) is pointing at a walking dead chicken. The chicken is in a different frame, and the fact that it is a dead walking chicken is just weird, like. Then "Running to catch. Running to catch." is funny, and it's funny how they're still in seperate frames. He probably couldn't think of an ending with this crazy mess he had created, and I don't think the dream ending was the best way to go, but it is a calm ending to a good crazy comic. Thanks, cyberlemon1313!



Contact: JohnnySmash AT gmail DOT com